Sex Porn Dictionary




Sextra Credit

Sextra Credit is considered the tip of the prostitution world, but it’s not nearly as mandatory as tipping a waitress or hairdresser. In keeping with John-prostitute etiquette, and in maintaining an affordable sex market, tipping should only be acceptable under certain exceptional performances, such as fetishes, prolonged period of time, or allowing the John to ride bareback. Tips given to whores for performing the duties they are paid a base rate to perform is just throwing money down the toilet.

Essentially, sextra credit should only be doled out for extremely wealthy patrons, or for prostitutes who do things that the average female wouldn’t dream of doing. If we as a society start tipping our sexual servicers willy-nilly then it’s going to bump up the market prices just like we did with massage therapists, bartenders, and hairdressers. It’s practically blasphemous for a patron NOT to tip a hairdresser these days, even if you don’t like the haircut she gave you. Well I for one will not let that happen to the sex trade. So, as a guide for all future, current, or past Johns, here is a list of all the acceptable reasons why you might give a prostitute more than the hourly rate she requested before making you blow your load.

1. If the prostitute invites another hot, female friend to join in the mix for free.

2. If the prostitute lets you do anal BEFORE she sucks your cock.

3. If she lets you perform 2 or more of the fetishes you desired, particularly the ones your wife or girlfriend will never try, or the fetishes you keep secret from everyone else.

4. You’re in the back of a car and a cop taps on your window to ask what’s going on and she instinctively offers to give him a freebie if he doesn’t bust either of you.

5. She allows you to give her a Cleveland Steamer, Dallas Dumper, Golden Shower, Donkey Punch, The Walrus, or the Michigan Mouthful.

6. She’s the hottest piece of ass you’ve ever had in your entire life and you want to make sure you’re her number one customer, so that if she ever gets two calls in one night, you’ve got first dibs.

7. You realize halfway through that this particular prostitute is a friend of your wife’s, so you need to give her a little hush money.

8. She lets you film it.

9. You came prematurely and she goes to the effort of faking an orgasm at the exact moment that you came, then offers to stick around for a while in case you’re ready to go again before the hour is up.

10. She tells you which STD’s she has before you agree on a price, AND she insists you wear a condom no matter how much you begged her. Trust me, she deserves a tip, because you’ll thank her later.

Well, there you have it fellas. Ten of the best reasons why you should tip a whore; anything else should be considered part of the job description.

1. The prostitute I hired last night wanted sextra credit just because I wouldn’t go down on her. Note to self: stop hiring feminist prostitutes.

2. When Steve accidentally lost the gerbil and broke the anal bead chains while they were still inside, he decided he’d better give his gay prostitute some sextra credit to cover the medical bills.













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