Similar to the term fag or Quiff, pantywaist is not restricted to homosexual men. In fact, pantywaist is more commonly used for straight men who appear to be gay because of their limp wrists, knowledge and appreciation of having cats as pets, and their ability to compliment women on their skirts and blouses without sounding like they’re hitting on them, or using the term “muff diving” or “Twerk it.”
Although pantywaist is commonly used by citizens in Britain, the term originated from American soldiers during Vietnam. Pantywaist is a common derogatory term used for men in the military who refuse to have sex with prostitutes while they are stationed overseas. Even the straightest of males who claim that they’re not fucking a whore because they’re faithful to their wife is still called a pantywaist by his peers. In fact, it became such a commonly used term around Vietnamese prostitutes, that North Vietnam started using it in their propaganda films to describe all Americans. It didn’t help matters that we technically lost the war a few years later, either.
1. Graham Norton isn’t necessarily a Paintywaist. He’s just straight up gay. Traditionally, the term pantywaist can’t be given to someone who would be proud of that label.
2. When my cousin refused to snort a line of coke with me, I called him a pantywaist. He’s been in and out of re-hab six times now. But, at least he’s not a pantywaist anymore.