Sex Porn Dictionary




Paint Brush

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Paint Brush is a term used for a wide strip, about the width of a paintbrush, of female pubic hair above the vagina. Most women today shave their pubic hair in this way, or they adopt the similar but thinner style called the ‘racing stripe.’ An even thinner version is the popular ‘Cuban,’ which is about the width of Cuban cigar.

There are numerous styles of shaving for female pubic hair, of varying lengths and widths, but by far the most popular is “The Brazilian,” which is bald as a peach. A woman who doesn’t shave or trim her pubic hair at all is known as a “Sasquatch,” and should be avoided at all costs.

Men typically don’t have very man different styles of pubic shaving, but they do differ in length. There is the older, more traditional “jungle balls,” which is essentially any male who never shaves. A more common style for men is “The severed orchard,” where a man will use a beard trimmer or clippers to shave his pubic hair down to a mere inch, but refuses to use a straight razor and go completely bald. If one does remove all of his pubic hair, it’s known as “Snookering” because of the testicle’s resemblance to snooker balls.

1. Denise has a total Paint Brush, but I wish she would try Brazilian. I’m sick of getting those tiny little hairs down my throat.

2. If there’s anything hairier than a Paint Brush down there, my tongue isn’t going anywhere near it.




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