Sex Porn Dictionary





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The most annoying, stanky trailer slore imaginable. Everyone went to school with a Leanne. She’s not pretty. She’s not too bright. She’s not fun to hang out with at all. But she’s a total slut who will let anyone use her for sex.

Leanne might have weirdly thin hair or an odd number of teeth. Maybe one of her tits is not even close to being the same size as the other one. She smells like stale farts and cigarettes. She definitely has backne, lots of backne. And if you’ve ever fucked Leanne, you definitely don’t want your friends to find out.

In sixth grade, Leanne’s nickname was “Brick-in-the-Face.” In ninth grade, her nickname was “Ka-chunk!” You heard somewhere that she was sitting on Dave Pereira’s face, and she accidentally took a shit all over his chest. Rumors like that will follow Leanne around for the rest of her life.

You had a nightmare once that you were fucking Leanne, and her parasitic twin was looking up at you from her doughy abdomen, just this massive unconscious cyst of matted hair and black teeth with one fully-formed bloodshot eyeball staring out of the middle of it…

But it was only a nightmare you keep telling yourself. It was only a nightmare.

1. Hey, did you hear Kyle got wasted at Brian’s party and ended up fucking Leanne? He’s gotta wait for blood tests now before going to Europe.

2. Did you hear Leanne got pregnant? They don’t know which kid in Special Ed is the father, so she wants to name the baby after all of them.





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