Hustler is another word that means prostitute, but normally it is applied to male prostitutes who service homosexual men. The asexual meaning of the term Hustler refers to someone who cheats people out of money, or cons them. Most likely, this term is also of sexual origin. Back in the 1920’s, when a man was seduced by a sexy woman at the bar with an Adam’s apple protruding from her throat like a golf ball, then his friends would often laugh and say, “You got Hustled!” meaning, you got tricked into sleeping with a dude.
Today, Hustler’s are quite common, especially in major cities like Las Vegas, where heterosexual married men escape their wives for alcohol and gambling, but often end up in the arms of a female stripper in a hotel room, or a male prostitute in a parking garage. This practice came into being in the 1950’s, when homosexuality was still considered a disease, and many gay men disguised their identity by marrying a woman, fucking her once as they fantasized about Iron Man, had a child, and never touched his wife again. These men would often go to sham movie theatres where gay men met to have sex, while the wife stayed home alone, NOT masturbating. Not coincidentally, this was also the time period that the whole ‘housewife sleeping with the milk man’ cliché came about.
1. Leon couldn’t bear to break the news to his wife Martha that he was gay, and instead he rented an apartment downtown for his Hustler and met him on Friday nights.
2. If you’re a hustler, you’ll never get as much heat from the police as a female prostitute because you’re constantly in hiding from your John’s wife.
Linking: Whore Homosexual