Sex Porn Dictionary




Gender Identity

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Gender identity is the gender a person identifies themselves with, usually female or male, but sometimes neither or both.

Gender identity for most people is a simple process of looking down at their private bits, and taking it from there. However, there are some people born with both bits, or do not identify with the bits they were given.

For people who feel uncomfortable with the sexual gender that they were born with, there are options to change their gender identity. Sex reassignment surgery can help people born as one sex, if they desire to be another. When Lorena Bobbitt cut her husband’s penis off and threw it into a field, this was not because he asked her to help him with some gender re-identification.

For some people, it can be quite difficult to be born as one gender, but see oneself as the opposite gender. In many cases, the person will turn to the gay and lesbian community to experience a sexual lifestyle that is more comfortable and natural.

In fact, a woman that is a lesbian with a strong case of penis envy, or with a self-identification as a man, is said to have lesdyxia, a play on the word dysphoria, which is a person who is unhappy with the gender they were assigned at birth.

On the other hand, in the comedy “Real Men”, Jim Belushi describes how his father dealt with his gender identification problem:

“A lot of guys, when they hit that mid life crisis, they feel like they’ve missed something. They flip out. They don’t know what to do. But not dad. He knew what to do. He hopped right on a plane, flew to Sweden, and had the operation that has allowed him to experience a side of life that he missed. Now, a lot of people in the family didn’t understand what dad was doing. Mom, at first, you were a little confused. But we finally realized that dad was right. He had done what was right for him. And hell, it’s opened up a whole new life for him. And I bet my dad looks better now, today, than any of the other guys he fought with at Iwo Jima.”

Hilarious movie. John Ritter at his best. Give it a rent and you won’t be disappointed!

1. Peter always knew that his gender identity kind of floated in between male and female, but when he dressed up in drag for the Monty Python sketch in his work’s Christmas Party, he felt the scales tip towards female. After that, he started wearing panties under his Dockers, and asking his colleagues to call him Stephanie.

2. The first time I saw “The Crying Game”, I was really turned on by the character of Dil, played by Jaye Davidson. When I found out that it was a guy, I started to question my own gender identity, especially since I always enjoyed flower arranging and sucking cocks in public bathrooms.




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