Sex Porn Dictionary




Gender Fuck

Gender Fuck means sending mixed gender messages through appearance and actions. Like when a woman wears pants. Are you a lesbian? No? Then get a fucking skirt on, baby. Or when a Scottish guy wears a kilt. Dude, I appreciate any culture’s heritage, but you look like a fucking girl. I went to a Catholic school with uniforms. Only girls are supposed to wear kilts. You’re fucking up my fetish, William Wallace.

I respect the caber toss. I don’t respect your fashion. All I’m saying.

I live in Little Korea, so there are lots of homosexual Asian men that dress up so they look like young Asian women. I love young Asian women, so I usually end up staring at these dudes until I figure out that they’re actually men. Like when they’re pissing beside me in the men’s room. I’m left feeling disappointed, a little nauseas, and bamboozled. A few times I’ve actually gotten to third base with one of these guys before the truth is presented to me. Of course, by that time, there’s no point in sending them home.

I’ve already administered the roofie, so why not? All I’m saying.

1. Jerry Seinfeld, before committing to a career in stand-up comedy, was a street-walking Gender Fuck. He called himself “Cherry Derrière”, and was making $1000 dollars a night in his early twenties.

2. In the movie “The Crying Game”, Jaye Davidson is a Gender Fuck. Forrest Whitaker is fucking amazing in that movie.




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