Sex Porn Dictionary





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1. “Should lesbians be allowed to use dildos. They made their choice?” — Stewart Francis

2. “He hath songs for man or woman of all sizes; no milliner can so fit his customers with gloves: he has the prettiest love-songs for maids; so without bawdry, which is strange; with such delicate burdens of ‘dildos’ and ‘fadings’, ‘jump her and thump her’; and where some stretch-mouth’d rascal would, as it were, mean mischief, and break a foul gap into the matter, he makes the maid to answer ‘Whoop, do me no harm, good man’,–puts him off, slights him, with ‘Whoop, do me no harm, good man.’” — William Shakespeare, Act IV. Scene 4: The Winter’s Tale.


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