Sex Porn Dictionary





This term can describe someone who has no sexually transmitted disease, or it can describe someone with a substance abuse problem who is not currently using.

My sixth grade teacher always used to say, “cleanliness is next to godliness.” I never really thought much about what it meant until I got blind drunk on a three-week bender and fucked some dirty whore god-knows-where and got some fucking dick-burning infection that took two months and a heavy course of intravenous drugs to clear up, so yeah, maybe if I were a little more godly, I’d be a little more cleanly, but that doesn’t change the fact that my sixth grade teacher was the cow who wouldn’t let me go to the washroom when I raised my hand nicely and made me piss myself in the middle of that geography test, so then none of the girls in class would talk to me again, and that’s probably why I drink so much now. Too much information, you say? Hey, if you don’t want information, you don’t have to look shit up on the Internet. This is a fucking reference tool — live with it.

1. It’s okay if I cum in your eye. I’m clean.

2. I feel bad that Tim’s drinking again. He was clean for three years until he found out I was fucking his wife.




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