The Amazon rank means to censor and exclude on the basis of adult content in literature. So books with graphic sexual content or simply books with anything considered to be lewd or lascivious. It’s ridiculous. We have such a fucked up society. We’re terrified of educating people about sex and acknowledging that sex and sexuality is one of the most basic and universal human experiences. Obviously we don’t experience sex and sexuality the same way, but we all have hormones and sex drives and desires. We all want to connect on that sexual level. Yet we exist in a society that tries to shut down that exploration because people are afraid of what it would mean for all of us to be open about sex and sexuality. It’s like in education. People are freaking out about the idea of young children being educated about sex. People make all kinds of claims that if children and teenagers are educated about sex in schools then they’ll all be fucking like crazy. It’s ludicrous. Children need to know the proper and actual names for their genitals. Of course these discussions and this education needs to be age appropriate, but children need to know that a penis is called a penis and not a ‘pee-pee’ and a vagina is called a vagina, not a ‘wee-wee’. It’s insane that we teach children all the proper names for every other body part (arm, leg, eye, finger, ankle) but when it comes to our genitals, we create these made up names that take a child’s agency away. If a kid doesn’t know what their vagina is called, how are they supposed to tell an adult if they are being sexually abused? All they’ve learned is that there is shame around their bodies and certain body parts. We need to educate children so that we can help protect them.
People also freak out about teenagers learning, not just about sex, but also about sexual pleasure. Women especially are not education on masturbation. We aren’t taught that masturbation is an excellent alternative to sex with another person. I have friends who didn’t know how to give themselves orgasms because they weren’t properly educated about masturbation and self-pleasure. That set themselves up for very unsatisfying sex lives with partners. Maybe if adolescent boys and girls were taught about self-pleasure they wouldn’t be so quick to have sex with partners. Maybe if we provided extensive sex education we’d have less teen pregnancies, STI’s, and more women and men who grew up with an understanding of their own bodies.
It’s ridiculous to rule out literature due to its adult content. It’s much more effective when we allow for opportunities for education, discussion, and debate around the materials. And kids don’t grow up into these ignorant naive adults giving people AIDS.
1. My book was Amazon ranked just because it has the word pussy in it. Lame.
2. I’d love to Amazon rank your ass so that you recite Shakespeare while I’m fucking you.