If we used the same pornstar name generator as Indigo Augustine, we'd be Violet Molingus. Hot.
Having acquired her stage name from what must have been the weirdest internet pornstar name generator ever (your favourite colour of the rainbow, plus your favourite medieval saint?), Indigo Augustine, sometimes shortened to just Indigo, has hit the scene in a puff of smoke. She's been in just a handful of videos thus far, and while her online presence remains strong we're hoping she wasn't some sort of beautiful tattooed mirage. That's why we've decided to feature her on Orgasm.com's pornstar directory for your viewing pleasure.
Some alt porn girls get their looks from stylists. You can tell Indigo Augustine's comes naturally.
We really like Indigo Augustine's look. She's sexy and feminine while still maintaining a lot of edge. Her piercings say, "I got these before doing porn, not because I do porn", and she generally looks like the kind of chick you'd see swaying around at a Grizzly Bear concert working up a sweat necking PBR. Except, unlike that chick you're totally attracted to her, and she actually knows how to fuck. Catch her in one of her many sex videos, and you know which girl is the one it's actually fun to talk to, and which ones you'll have to content yourself with cleavage peeks.
Blowjob lips come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colours. Indigo Augustine's are straight from central casting.
While we dig the big tits the piercings and the good bone structure, Indigo Augustine's best selling point as a performer is her God-given, clear-as-day pair of blowjob lips. Those things were crafted for sucking cock. They make the shape of a little quiver, they're perfectly pouty, and they don't ever look quite natural or happy unless they're straining to wrap around a thick wad of mangorgement. Mangorgement is not a word. Or it wasn't, until we just made it one.