May Be Cracking Their Last Whip in San Fran Armory

BDSM & Fetish pornography company may soon be packing up and moving out of San Francisco due to the push for stricter health regulations on the adult film industry.


Peter Ackworth, CEO of and the owner of the iconic San Francisco Armory building that Kink’s studios currently reside in, submitted a review plan last week that shows that most of building would be converted into office space and the 39,000 square foot drill court would be converted into an entertainment venue. The stricter health regulations would mean logo

higher costs as well as the risk of prosecution for filmmakers in the adult industry if the proposed bill passes.


Bill AB 1576 will require condoms or other sexual barrier device be used in all adult films produced in California. Also the bill will make it mandatory that employers pay for the STD testing of each actor they employ and that they must be tested for STDs every 14 days or less. The condoms do not need to be


visible during the final product, so editing them out, like Falcon Studios did, would be allowed.


The plan if they do end up moving would be to move to Las Vegas where a lot of California’s adult entertainment industry has already moved to after the Measure B law was set in place in Los Angeles. Most others are planning to do the same if and when the bill is set in place.



The bill moved forward with a 5-0 vote by a labor committee at the California Legislature. Next it will move on to a vote by the Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism and Internet Media Committee.If the bill is approved it will then move on to the full Assembly.


Wherever porn is being filmed, will continue to bring you some of the best free porn that you can find online!

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