Playstation 4 Streams Live Porn & XBox One Gets A Porn App

The launch of the Next Generation consoles is upon us just before the holiday shopping season, and Sony’s new Playstation 4 is off to a strong start, however, a new feature of the entertainment console is being used for more then it’s intended purpose, such as streaming live porn and amateur sex videos.


gamer porn 2The new console has a built in capture card and live stream capabilities, allowing gamers to either stream their video game play or their Playstation Eye Camera footage directly over the network, a live stream site which exclusively features gamer influenced content.


Twitch, a subsidiary of, has user agreements in place forcing its users to oblige by its rules, like those of no nudity or adult content, but the quick rise of fresh gamers across the streaming site has created an abundance of new channels and users, and many of those users have been filming sexual acts, airing them live over the network with ease.


playroom-wife-nude-3One particular case, a man and his wife were seen drinking beers when the wife passes out from intoxication. The husband then proceeds to expose her breasts and lift her skirt for the online audience. A few minutes later the screen went black, and the next image on screen was the wife, naked and passed out on the couch, presumably stripped by her husband and left to be seen by the Internet. The account behind the footage has since been banned.


Video game consoles are on the rise as the main entertainment device in the house due to downloadable apps allowing access to video streaming sites such as Netflix, Hulu and YouTube, and their access to the Internet allows major distributors to send their content directly to the viewer, usually for a small fee. This model has generated a fresh economy around Internet content, so it’s no surprise companies like Sugar DVD have been building apps for consoles for quite some time and views the new Xbox One as the way of the future.


pressgraphic2Sugar DVD, a company who streams Pay Per View porn via the Internet, already has console streaming capabilities via it’s web browser, and has built their player just like an officially supported console app, allowing screen resolution sizes to adapt without loss of quality, unlike regular web browsers.


Sugar DVD CEO Jax Smith has said, “Simply put, the Xbox One is a gateway for porn of the future. The PS4 is pretty, but Xbox One allows for more seamless integration and a more interactive experience.”


The amount of porn being watched through untraditional mediums such as mobile devices, has been on the rise for the past several years. Will Sony and Microsoft eventually open up to allowing officially supported adult content apps? Only time will tell, and only if there is a demand for the market… and chances are, the market is there.

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