Posts Tagged ‘libido’

What to Do When Your Sex Drive Gets Rear-Ended

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

A long-standing issue many couples have is how to respond when their partner has a significantly higher or lower sex drive to theirs.

The key in any situation like this is flexibility. This might perhaps include the kind you get from regular yoga practice, but I’m referring more to the theoretical kind. There will be one person who wants more needs to tone it down a bit, and another who wants less that needs to pump it up a bit.

A good place to start is by identifying what qualifies as sexual activity. If you’re the one with a higher sex drive (and if you’re not, just reverse what I’m saying, and ask yourself what you’re doing reading a porn blog), and your partner is doing her level best at ramping it up on the full blown fucking, you should be able to happily accept a hand job or blow job when she’s not in the mood for sex. You have to be happy to keep your attitude positive about her concessions, and she will need to have a good attitude about it in turn.

You shouldn’t be made to feel like you’re tormenting her because you have “needs.” If you can get by with five minutes of her just standing there while you beat off into her lap in the morning; it stands to reason that she should be happy to do that for you. If she’s okay with letting you get his rocks off and you are okay with her not being bothered (albeit with a smile on her face, rather than a grimace) but not being as crazy hot for you as you’d normally prefer, you might find the compromise you’re looking for.

Alternatively, if what you require every time you get freaky is a 3 hour sex marathon and you get whiny or pouty if that doesn’t happen, you need to be slapped. Go find some free porn online while you’re hanging out in the dog house, where you deserve to be sitting for being such a pussy.

There is nothing that you can do that will turn someone who wants sex three times a day into someone who wants it once a week. There is nothing in the worth that will turn someone who wants it once a week into someone who wants it three times a day. Except old age. At some point you’re probably going to meet up with each other if you live long enough.