Ladies, I get it, you don’t always have time to wax. Yes, I do prefer a clean workspace but I understand that it costs money and probably hurts like a bitch. Once I was banging this chick who had the hairiest pussy I’ve ever seen. It looked like one of the guys from ZZ Top. No wait, looked like Silvie Deluxe in this porn video. It still haunts me to this day. But not all men are turned off by a bearded bush. If there’s one thing we can learn from 70s sex movies it’s that no matter how much hair you have on your vagina, some guy will stick his dick in it. If Sasha Grey came up to you and said she wanted to fuck but hadn’t been waxed in weeks you’d still get with her, right? Of course you would. You’re not an idiot. And since you’re here, you’re probably the type of pervert who would like that. Stick around after the jump for pictures and discover the members of’s Hairy Pussy Squad.