Archive for the ‘Sex Tape’ Category

Kendra Lies About Sex Tape

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

Yesterday I reported on the Kendra Wilkinson sex tape. In the hours that followed, comments came out through her lawyers and publicist that she was “devastated” by the news and was in fear of “marital repercussions.” I smell bullshit…


Kendra Joins the Sex Tape Club

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010

You have to be living under a rock somewhere that’s frozen in order to not know who Kendra Wilkinson is. Well, either that or you have your TV set to avoid anything and everything E! Entertainment related. If you’re in the loop then you might be mildly interested in learning more about the latest and greatest addition to the Vivid-Celeb sex tape arsenal.


Chelsea Handler Sex Tape?

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

In a scenario sounding eerily familiar to one that happened last month, I settled down into bed last night with my wife and Chelsea Handler, when she suddenly starts addressing rumors of Radaronline having a sex tape of her when she was 23. Chelsea Handler, not my wife.


Vivid Wins! Mindy McCready Porno to Be Released!

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010

The drama ends. Vivid Entertainments‘ Steven Hirsch is finally releasing the Mindy McCready sex tape on May 4th, close on the heels of her new album “I’m Still Here.”


The Most Infamous Celebrity Sex Tapes

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

Ahhhhh the sex tape. We talk about it. They talk about it. You talk about it. It’s become as much a staple of American pop culture as any Arnold Schwarzenegger catch phrase. It almost seems to stem from everyones’, however private, longing to fulfill the fantasy of being a porn star. But where is there a comprehensive list of all the most infamous sex tapes you ask? Right this way perv…


Larry King? Cheater?

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

With great power comes great…cheating opportunities.

Technically this isn’t a gossip site, but really it should be. Only because I want it to. I mean, I can write all day about and our thousands of free internet porn clips and I will. But come on! A little bit o’ gossip just makes the world a much more tolerable place. Cuz you get to dish on people who do not share in your mostly mundane, normal kinda life. And that, in most cases, is pretty juicy.


Attack of the Baseball Sex Tape!

Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

A lot of times I find myself in the precarious position of sitting atop the fence of moral dilemma. And if you know anything about me at all, it should be that I’m clumsy as fuck. Another sex tape controversy. Another “cease and desist.” Another celebrity who’s not going to be able to battle the Almighty-VividKraken.


Chuy Bravo is a Porn Star?

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

So my wife and I are watching Chelsea Lately last night, as we often do, and Chelsea makes an off-the-cuff comment responding to round-tabler Scott Wolf’s off-the-cuff comment about Chelsea side-kick Chuy’s involvement in porn. I looked at my wife and said “What the fuck? Are they being serious? Why don’t I know about this…?!”


Sex Videos I DON’T Want to See

Friday, January 29th, 2010

Ahhh the sex tape. Ever since the huge media explosion over the X-ploits of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, the world can’t seem to get enough of people’s recorded intimate hip-slamming. And though I, like most people obviously, have an incessant need to always see what everyone is talking about, I would like to publicly declare that there is indeed ONE coming out that will be avoided.
