Archive for the ‘Anal’ Category


Thursday, February 24th, 2011

bwbWhen it comes down to the most basic body part we all happen to have and one that’s sexual at the same time, our bottoms top the list. Not necessarily an erogenous zone, still a tickle, a spank and an insertion does attract and arouse many a man and woman. Gay men know the pleasures of anal play well as do hetero couples-especially men who admit to it-and all manner of attention back there adds greatly to sexual life. In a way, it’s the body part of free porn.

From the start of our recorded art, from sketches on walls up on through the great artists of history the back of our front has been celebrated, championed and has held fetishists enthralled. No matter the size, shape or skin color, there is as much a lid for every pot as there is an ass for each one of us-or more them one-that we find attractive, want to taste, rub or swat.

Nipples rise when there is arousal. Pussies will lubricate, cocks will unfurl to full erection, eyes will widen as will smiles. Ass cheeks might quiver, blush or flush with gooseflesh, can be revealed under a short skirt or caught in a pair of tight pants, but for the most part asses are indifferent to our obsession and love. Men can have as fine and firm a pair of gluteus as a woman can have a derriere that sways just right. Asses are where we are all equal and where we can make an impression without even having to try, but asses give so little back to all the attention paid them.


Our asses are a cultural marker to changes in our habits; people’s bottoms spread as they lead a more sedentary lifestyle and at the same time the paradigm of female attractiveness shifts from wide-hipped beauties to super athletic ladies with no butts at all. Watch the ass and one can watch the world.

The kink of spanking would be nothing without the ass, certain women’s sexuality is based on how well she can sway, we can react to a lover in the most simplest of ways, still being sexual but at the same time cute patting our lover’s rear-end. We can mark just where in the world we are by looking down. The ass can be what we obsess over or a passing interest. That which follows us surely is that which defines us.


Fun With Analingus

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011


One of the more taboo aspects of sexual intercourse involves the art of analingus, commonly seen in free porn. It’s become less taboo over the years as the sexual revolution from the 60′s moves well into the new millennium. Hetero men even do not fear as splay as they once did.

The anal cavity is a myriad of thousands of nerve endings all primed for pleasure from some sort of stimulus. The tongue is one of the most sensual organs human beings have. In a study done by UCSF’s HIV InSITE, more and more Americans are experimenting with anal sex. Out of 3,432 adults, at least 10% have tried anal sex once in the previous year. Of the 3,400 graduate students at the University of Maryland, 25% reported having practiced heterosexual anal intercourse. So ass play is a widely popular activity.

Analingus is often a precursor to the fun of anal sex. To start with, make sure the ass is clean. A high quality enema found at most sex toy shops. Used properly, an enema in combination with a shower will provide the area with enough cleanliness to avoid unpleasantness, including smells.


Once both partners are satisfied that cleanliness isn’t an issue, analingus begins like any other anal related activity. Gentle massaging of the ass cheeks, pressing lightly around the anal ring will help loosen up the interested party. Licking, sucking on flesh will produce stimulating sensations and enhance arousal. When it’s time, using your tongue will involve more than just a press of the mouth against a nice fresh asshole. Your hands may be required in some positions to help keep the ass cheeks spread apart. Nobody will be able to caress a man’s prostate with their tongue as the organ is located farther in the canal than the tongue is long, but an added finger will help a woman give her man an explosive orgasm that will make him beg.

Once the tongue is inserted, you can swirl it around the inside of the anus, touching all of those sensitive nerve endings or thrust it like a penis. The rapid penetration simulating anal sex causes noticeable heated excitement in both genders.

Many gay men and straight or bisexual women know the pleasures of ass eating well.


Anal Issues

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

analAnal play and anal sex can be very hot and sexy, and is in the realm of real lovers these days, not just porn stars. However, women sometimes find it difficult to relax and enjoy it because they’re concerned about any mess that could result. Feeling uptight and stressed when participating in any kind of anal play can make the experience difficult and uncomfortable for both parties.

A lot of women don’t seem to be able to understand that people who are interested in anal play are fully aware of the fact that it is an activity fraught with the potential for a mess, and they are prepared to proceed in spite of that. It is a biological function experienced by all humans and not something to be ashamed of. While many people will advocate repeated enemas in order to assure cleanliness and a pristine environment, that actually may not be the healthiest choice. Enemas can often dry out the anal area, and having anal sex a short period of time later could result in minor tearing or discomfort due to dryness. Repeated enemas could throw a person’s electrolytes off balance, and that can be very detrimental to a person’s health. Unless one’s partner is aware of how many enemas were done and how recently, they may not be able to provide necessary information in case of an emergency. It would be best to discuss this with a doctor or gynecologist, and find out how to safely use enemas or anal douches as a way to prepare the area without any health implications. Doctors have heard it all and they’re there to help, so people should not be embarrassed to discuss these things with them.


The easiest way to handle the situation is to eat a very healthy diet and get plenty of fiber. This will make most people pretty regular and, quite often, predictable which will make scheduling a sexual encounter involving anal play quite a bit easier. If a lady is concerned about any potential messy situations, she can put a large towel on the bed or leave a towel folded on the dresser to provide a place to put used sex toys. The last and most important thing is that people should talk to their partner. It may seem like an embarrassing conversation, but if a person is comfortable allowing someone else to insert things into their ass they should be comfortable enough with that person to talk to them.


Don’t Go Fishing

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

There is something to be said for women leading men on. Most women are aware-most of the time-how they are dressing or acting and that they are turning attention to themselves with their sexuality (some at free porn levels). There isn’t an adult woman alive who doesn’t realize how she affects men with her tits bouncing, her hips swaying and her ass jiggling. And if a girl is too young to realize what she is doing and how she looks doing it, then her parents should be on her prepubescent booty to cut it out but quick!


If one does not wish to get one’s worm bitten one should not dangle it off a hook in a school of hungry fish.

The same is true for going on-line trolling for dates. If one joins a dating site, puts up a profile pic or even turns their status on their Facebook wall to single then one must expect some interest. Hetero women are prey to most a hetero guy, even lesbians and as such they must know the rules of the game: that if they put it-and it can be a million and one things from a smile to a bulging cleavage- out there, like ol’ Kevin Costner building his dreamt-of field in Iowa, men will come and cum hard if they can!

Sure, men could learn to temper their cocks a bit. They could begin to realize that there is a flesh-and blood human being underneath the short skirt and make-up but truly men are not smart enough to take those leaps of consideration when they suddenly have an erection. As much as men need to learn that women are living breathing creatures with minds and emotions as well as pussies they can plunder, women have to learn that men are often only bodies controlled by the emotions of their cocks. Once again, one must know well into what waters one dives.


Of course to a greater or lesser degree, each man will be turned-on to different things. What to one guy sees as a short skirt another man will not think short enough and not even turn his head. Guys with fetishes will spin their wheels on the most mundane flips of material or the most innocuous explore of a body part-like an upturned ankle-no woman could ever defend herself from their interests.

By and large women are put upon way too much because of their sexuality, but they should realize even the potential of affect they are having and be responsible in shark infected waters when baiting their hook.


Get Her To Have Dirty Sex

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

We all know that guys have dirty minds that are frequently occupied with sexual ideas that would freak out the average woman. Of course we all want our women to be on the same wave length, but that is not always the case. In order to determine if the girl you’re with is open to experimenting with dirty sex, start off by testing the waters with a few questions on the more innocent side of the spectrum. These questions will get her to open up and start sharing some intimate details of her sexual personality with you (anal anyone?). Here are some suggestions to help you get her to have dirty sex:


Tell her about your fantasies: If you get the feeling that she’ll be receptive about making it dirtier by revealing some of your secret fantasies, then reveal away. Hopefully she will share some inner thoughts in return, and when she does, make sure you show plenty enthusiasm for her ideas if you want to get her to have dirty sex. It is important to keep it in the realm of fantasy, so don’t start telling her about dirty sex you’ve had in the past.

Make it new for both of you: Approach the dirty experiment like it’s new for the both of you. Think of something you’ve never tried before and suggest that you try it together. If she knows you’re starting out on a level playing field, she’ll be more likely to let her inhibitions go and get wild.

Play a sex game: Talking about it is a lot easier than actually introducing the nastiness into your sex life. A sex game might be just the right thing to get you started. You could either check out a sex shop or you could use your imagination and make up your own game together at home. If all else fails, you can always flu back on the old standard of Truth or Dare.


Watch porn: Get each other in the mood by watching porn. Even if she is not normally into it, she may be open to incorporating a video or two.

Initiate: You are probably going to have to be the one to make the first move. It’s not likely she will start things off herself, s start talking dirty, set the mood, and hopefully she will follow your lead.

She may surprise: For most women, revealing their private thoughts may be difficult. Once you get her comfortable talking about it, disclose some of your own secrets, gather some inspiriting and try new things. You may be surprised to find out that your girl is more of a freak then you would have guessed!


Best-Selling Sex Books

Thursday, January 20th, 2011

For those who are looking for a bit of a break from all that free porn, how about switching to books for a change? Short of boring, these titles will provide you with all the sex you crave while enhancing your vocabulary at the same time. Talk about killing two birds with one stone! Below, we have have broken down some of Amazon’s (as in best-selling titles focusing around the subject of intercourse.


1. 365 Sex Positions: A New Way Every Day for a Steamy, Erotic Year by Lisa Sweet – What better way to start out the new year than with a book filled with new and exciting sex positions? Featuring everything from the ‘Pogo’ to the ‘G-Spot Striker’ you’ll never run out of options again.

2. Hot and Steamy: Sizzling Sex Stories by Darren G. Burton – The third in the highly acclaimed ‘Hot and Steamy’ series, Sizzling Sex Stories is just that. Packed full of erotica, these are bound to inspire you to try out some of your wildest fantasies.

3. Oral Sex He’ll Never Forget: 52 Positions and Techniques Guaranteed to Blow Your Man Away by Sonia Borg – An oral sex manual for alpha females who like to be in control, this book will teach you all the tricks of fellatio that will be sure to keep your man on his toes. With over fifty options – from sex toys to mouth movements – you’ll be sure to find something your partner will love.

Jan. 19 - Best-Selling Sex Books

4. The Dirty Little Kindle Book Of Sex Quotes by Mark Zedler – If you’re like me, there’s nothing like a good sex quote to get you all hot and bothered. With over 30 different categories, the book features quotes by everyone from Ken Hammond to Kevin Coster. My personal comes from the iconic Marilyn Monroe who once said, “It’s not true that I had nothing on. I had the radio on”. Cheeky.

5. The Anal Sex Position Guide: The Best Positions for Easy, Exciting, Mind-Blowing Pleasure by Tristan Taormino – Whether you’re an anal sex enthusiast or merely exploring the territory, this anal sex positing guide will be sure to provide you with all the information you need to know on playing the flip side. From safety precautions to first-time positions, no question goes by unanswered.

Holiday Porn

Friday, December 24th, 2010


I’ve been rather disappointed by the current state of holiday porn (“holiday.” That’s right, not Christmas, not Chanukah, not Kwanza . . . Holiday). It seems the best offer this season has for my meat-pounding wishes is the same ‘ole gym-buffed model-type, doing the usual pornographic posturing, but in red panties and a Santa hat. A Santa hat. It’s not even like the hat is getting fucked. Sometimes the diehard festive types leave the hat on for the initial blow job, but by the time the dude in the Santa suit (Yes. Always some dude in a Santa suit) gets to sodomizing our little Cunt Cringle in her fruit cake hole, that hat is long gone and buddies fake beard is laying on the floor. For all practical purposes we are now watching the same old porn we’ve seen a thousand times with one exception. There is a Santa hat on the floor.

When do I get to watch some dick hard clit jockey finger a snowman? Is that little dentist elf ever going to slowly unbutton his adorable wee blue waist coat and cobble himself to climax before the Bumble Snow Monster whips his hairy milk-white monster cock out and escorts a handful of misfit sex toys up his Yeti chute? Need I remind you that the snow monster had his teeth removed? Slut in a red bikini and a Santa Hat is fine, but maybe, just maybe, I wouldn’t mind having a hot rub inside that toothless furry Monster face. Maybe I’d like to watch some herd mammal with a glowing red anus help the jolly old elf find more than his way.


Porn Mongers! Step it up! I want 8-way menorah penetrations. Gift-wrapping bondage. Icicle fucking. The Grinch that stole your Penicillin. Anal dradles. Charlie Brown with the smallest, least celebratory, withered little prick and a beagle in a leather flight helmet. Rabbis with gingerbread dildos riding polar bears and juggling buttock implants across a snow-laden field on their way to Grandma’s house for oven mitt HJ’s shot into candy-filled stockings.

The Top Ten Sex Trends Of The Decade

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010

The first decade of the new millennium will definitely be remembered for one thing…SEX! Yes folks, this was the most sexual decade of them all and sex hasn’t captured this many headlines in the history of man kind. Here is a look at the top 10 sex trends of the last decade.

The Celebrity Sex Tape:
It is the trend that wouldn’t die and the one question asked during the end of this decade remained: were there any celebrities out there who didn’t have a sex tape that was like free porn? Once upon a time, hollywood celebs were a breed of elites, but they’ve proved otherwise in this decade and showed their ugly side, not too mention, their front side, back side and a lot more than that!

Dec 21 orgasm.com1

Once the millennium turned, someone decided that sex between just two people wasn’t enough. We’ve seen celebs hop on the menage a trios band wagon and you couldn’t turn on the TV without seeing two girls and one guy.

Turning Lesbian:
In the last decade there has been an abundance of woman turning gay. But no one will ever know if they’re truly gay, or just curious. College girls were making out with their BFFs, the “L Word” made the lifestyle seem fabulous, and Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried made a lesbian experience seem fantastic!

Dec 21 orgasm.com2

Sex Toys:
The last decade is probably best known for spawning a $1 million, diamond encrusted vibrator. Adult sex toys were everywhere and the xxx accessories became novelties.

Political Scandals:
Clearly Clinton started this trend back in the 90′s but within the last decade is when political scandals really came to the surface.

Anal Sex:
Many years ago Eddie Murphy wrote a song which detailed all of the different things that you could put in a person’s butt. During this decade, people of all ages were putting dicks in butts and anal became the newest and best form of intercourse.

Dec 21 orgasm.com3

Wikipedia defines sexting as “the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photos electronically, primarily between mobile phones,” a a poll also reveals that two thirds of you have once dirty texted.

Get It At The Drive-Thru

Saturday, December 11th, 2010

In a world where our every need can be answered with a click of a computer mouse, is it any wonder we are answering our more prurient desires first and foremost? Why leave the house to find what arouses us if we don’t need to? No matter what our specific kink-have we one-or passing thought-should we entertain more then usual-we can have what we want when we want it. And if and when we do ever venture forth for our porn movies, pics, even service providers-aren’t we now so used to the speedy return, the easy transaction, the convenient exchange, that nothing but the quickest experience will do?


It makes sense then that sooner more then later we will be looking for drive-thru .

There are actually states in the union where one can drive their car into-INTO-a liquor store order, pay for, then be handed whatever alcohol one wants, then leave the store, all without ever leaving one’s car. Albeit a blowjob or some ass fingering might take a tad longer to complete, but the time has come to pull up outside a lighted menu screen, order some oral sex or a quick hand-job, unzip as one pulls around to the window, maybe open the car door to the full window one comes to face, surrender some money and stick one’s genitals out to be serviced! Surely, the entire sex drive-thru enterprise would be easier for a man to pay for and receive, but with us all able to get a burger or our morning coffee this way, why not sex?

And while being a hooker is illegal, might there be some unique precedent about receiving a sexual act in a car that is technically still running that would render the entire exchange free from prosecution?

The time has come to out our resources into the very next thing. To prompt people to leave their houses in this day and age is a retailer’s biggest headache. To get people to buy a dirty movie when they can just as easy download for free over the Internet are dirty movie producers’ biggest headaches. The drive-thru sex shops might in fact kill two birds with one stone; get people out for their sex and keeping them away from P.C. screens where they can too easily-and for free-download porn movies.


The History of the Sex Doll

Friday, November 12th, 2010

Nov 11 orgasm.com1Before the advent of free porn online, guys all over the world had to resort to lonely old masturbation as a source of relieving their sexual tensions. They couldn’t bring up something erotic in the privacy of their own homes within 20 seconds and a lot of times the regular “choking the chicken” approach just didn’t do it for them. Therefore, the sex doll was created.

If you’ve been living in a cave for the past twenty years and haven’t heard of a sex doll, it’s basically a sex toy that is used for sexual relief. It’s an inmate object that is crafted and designed by some of the top engineers in the world to replicate the female genitalia. Creating a sex doll requires an intricate process and some of them even offer an array of designs that have been influenced by the complete female body.

The origins of the high and mighty sex doll was actually created when antsy sailors set out on a long voyage with no hopes of female interaction for months at a time. They created a female doll sewn out of cloth, brought it on board and passed it around from sailor to sailor.

In later years, some very smart men took this idea and ran with it only to create commercialized versions of the doll that were in the form of blow up dolls, body sections and the infamous real doll.

Blow Up Dolls: are the inflatable sex toy made to look like a woman’s body. Usually consisting of three entry points; mouth, vagina, and ass.

Body Sections: are made from some pretty amazing material and are manufactured to look like certain sections of the body.

Real Dolls: are insanely crafted and are usually the full body of a woman. They’re pretty pricey but made from silicone and has all the lifelike details of a living woman’s body minus the “life” part. They even come with metal skeletons and flexible joints to position the dolls in whatever position you like. The downside; if you are experiencing problems you more than likely will have to ship her away to be repaired, which probably means no sex for you.

The only advice I have if you’re somewhat interested in a Real Doll is to be careful. Some men take their relationship to another level and become totally intertwined with their doll and end up acting like they’re a real person. The people end up going crazy and you don’t want to be one of those!
