is a porn site, of course, and we’re a big fan of you guys checking out our delectable collection of porn studios. But we are also your friend, friend enough to not want you to get into trouble if you’re viewing what we have to give. So attention, owners of Blackberry Z10s!
Your phones’ Messenger integrates what you’re watching and listening to your BBM contacts, so it’s no big deal if you’re watching another cat video or listening to Kenny G, but if you’re watching, say, a Sasha Grey gaping video, it may not be a good idea to let your mother-in-law know.
Here’s a simple 3 step procedure to make sure that your pregnant porn fantasy doesn’t get you a few unwanted winks from your wife’s prego friends:
1) Go to your BBM Settings
2) Select Off for Show What I’m Listening To
3) Hit Back to save
Voila! Now you can go back to work.
Tags: blackberry z10