Alien Sex – Yes It’s A Thing

Ever since Captain Kirk banged a green bitch, fanboys everywhere have been obsessing over alien sex. Yes, it’s a real thing. There are websites devoted to it. Not my kind of fetish, but hey, whatever floats your boat. Or should I say USS Enterprise?

Alien sex is exactly what you think. It’s a fetish in which chicks bang aliens. Obviously they’re not real aliens because little green men don’t exist. Sorry, if you believe in that stuff but I’ve seen Men In Black, that shizz ain’t real. Nobody’s getting fucked by ET. And how would it work? Ripley’s baby kicked through her stomach. If her unborn kid is that strong imagine how strong alien cock is? Forget it. It would break a chick’s box right in half.

Anyway, like I said, there are free porn sites devoted to alien sex. Even has something about a dildo monster which is what I assume the aliens from Jupiter look like. Aliens from Uranus on the other hand, they probably look like assholes.

People are really into this stuff. I’m not against having a fetish, I just don’t get this particular one. Maybe it’s because I didn’t like the Star Trek remake? Why was Uhura banging Spock? Maybe she had a Vulcan fetish? Spock looks like the kind of guy who keeps a lambskin condom in his wallet. Vulcans man, I don’t get those guys. They probably watch the weirdest free porn too. Stuff with aliens from Uranus…

The closest I’ve ever come to watching free porn involving alien sex featured Vanessa Lane. She kind of looks like an extraterrestrial.

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