Sex and Men Seeking Virgins

For Men seeking virgins in Ancient Rome they were best advised to stay away from the Vestal Virgins as being caught having sex with one of them was a death sentence upon both the virgin as well as the other fuck buddy.


For Men seeking virgins then it was best to find himself a country farmers daughter. These Vestal Virgins were women that were taken into the priesthood and surrounded not only by a very capable guard unit but also surrounded with a mystical quality that kept them as a standard and example of the purity of the gods and their relationship with Rome. To sully this then was an affront and an insult to the gods and would surely bring down punishment from on high. For the Romans religion was not a very spiritual thing, for them it was very much a business oriented relationship. You prayed to the gods and made the appropriate sacrifices and in turn the gods would answer your prayer or bless you in whatever capacity was expected. If the god did not then you were perfectly within your rights to go appeal to another god and so on down the line until you got what you wanted. There were rituals to be observed and honors to be given and it was believed that to not do this was to be dishonorable in one’s bargain between Rome and her gods. For the Romans the gods were very different than the Greeks.


In Roman belief systems the gods were very busy doing other things and had little time to come down and physically speak with them, much less interact in any way. The gods did, like the Greeks, occasionally come down but this was a very rare occurrence and much at odds with their Greek counterparts who seemed to be popping down to the mortal world on just about every other weekend.

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