Reality can sometimes be a bit harsh for all of us. Whether we do it consciously or not, we all need to indulge in a little bit of fantasy from time to time to keep from going bonkers in this crazy world that we live in. Some of us enjoy the free Porn on the Internet, some of us sit and meditate, and some of us just daydream away from our office desks.
Plain, stark reality served cold can be an unappetizing dish for most of us. We all face tremendous pressures and expectations in our work lives and our home lives to make ends meet, to be productive, to be efficient, to be competent, to be dependable, to be reliable, to be financial secure, to be kind, to be loving, to be sensitive, to be available, and to be morally upstanding. No wonder we are all exhausted and ready to run off screaming into the night a lot of the time. How can we possibly keep up with all of these things and fulfill all of these requirements on a daily basis? Most of us just do the best we can and maybe throw in a little bit of fantasy to take the edge off of things every now and again.
Some of us enjoy surfing the various sex and adult entertainment websites that are available to us in abundance on the Internet for a bit of fantasy and escape of the sexual kind. Others of us may venture off into a pleasant daydream about that hot electrician wandering around in our office, and still others of us may seek out the mountains or the ocean to try to clear our heads and disconnect from all the pressures of life for a bit.
Whatever your fantasy happens to be, it is perfectly ok to disconnect every once in a while and indulge in it, your secret is safe.