Almost everyone publicly denies and decries that they would ever check out any porn sites. However, what people express as an opinion in broad daylight, and what they do at night in the privacy of their own homes, can be two vastly different things. Maybe people whom you would never imagine doing it, are busily checking out the Free porn videos while we run around busily trying to convince everyone of just how very upstanding we are.
These days while we may still seem prudish on occasion on the surface, many of us feel free to enjoy some adult websites or Internet porn options when we are alone and out of the harsh view of society. If you pay any attention at all to your nightly news, you would think that no one ever has sex, no one ever thinks about sex, and we are all just lily white, celibate ethereal individuals floating around on little puffy clouds thinking only of lambs, snowflakes and cotton candy. Not so much, Really, not so much. Contrary to what the uptight media would have you believe, most of us have healthy, normal and functioning sex drives, thank you very much for asking.
So the next time you visit a library, make sure you take a good look at that cute librarian with the little bun in her hair and the grey business suit. You may be able to imagine that suit coming flying off, her hair coming down and all sorts of delicious and illicit non-literary delights to follow. One of the most exciting things about life can be the fact that just about nothing is as it seems, and while this can be frustrating in some areas of our existence, when it comes to sex, it keeps it all just revved up enough to make it exciting for us, when we are not too busy pretending to be morally beyond reproach.