Although it is legal in some states and in many other countries around the world, prostitution is illegal in the majority of the united states. There are people who believe that making prostitution illegal reduces the occurrences or controls it in some way, but nothing could be further from the truth. The only thing it does successfully is keep the female participants abused and in danger. They usually feel they can’t report any abuse since what they’re doing is illegal, so they often just take whatever they get pimps and customers and even other prostitutes. Legalizing prostitution provides a way to regulate what goes on inside and also will help to keep everyone physically healthier the clients and the prostitutes. On an emotional level, working in a legal brothel may give a woman a little more control over her own finances, especially if prostitution is legalized and the brothels have to pay the girls according to local labor laws. This would eliminate the problem of girls ending up with pimps and getting beat up and abused. It would also give the prostitutes a way to protect themselves legally against disreputable and dangerous clients.
In places where prostitution is legal, there are usually medical requirements and required standards for testing for sexually transmitted diseases on a regular basis. Any sex worker that comes up positive for a disease or an infection is required to get the proper treatment and cleared by a doctor before returning to work. This would greatly reduce the risk of spreading sexually transmitted diseases to customers and beyond as the customers go out into their real world and have sex with others. Having these procedures in place make both the prostitute and the customer feel much safer like this cab driver who gets a prostitute in this video on
Having brothels for the sex workers to work in would also increase the safety and well-being of the workers. Streetwalking, cheap motels and getting into cars with strangers are all very dangerous no matter what a person’s gender or orientation. Prostitutes are in constant danger because of their work conditions, and brothels would alleviate quite a bit of that danger. Inside of a brothel, surrounded by many other prostitutes, a manager, security and bouncers, most people would probably think twice about hurting one of the workers.
Tags: Sex