Bondage, sex and erotic love

Bondage, to put it simply, is the sex and erotic play and pleasure that can come from someone either being restrained or by restraining someone else. But while bondage is a simple concept there are a lot of things that everyone needs to know in order to do it safely and without putting either person at risk. Anytime we restrict or tie down someone or ask to be ourselves, we better be damn sure we are playing with someone we trust!


One of the most important things to remember about bondage is that it is something that should not be done without some research, classes, reading or hands-on instruction. While there are way of doing bondage that are simple all it takes to seriously hurt someone is for a rope to be tied too tight or have a mouth or nose blocked. Because of this you should never have anything covering the mouth or nose the person being restrained, part of this is to allow the person being restrained to breathe without hindrance but also because it will allow the person being restrained to be able to communicate at all times, which is extremely important. While some people do role playing while they are in bondage for beginner kink lovers it is better not to do such and instead keep communication simple and direct so the person being restrained can simply say if something is too tight or if they are hurting or simply uncomfortable.


Bondage, too, while it can be done with simple things really does require the use of specially designed equipment as homemade or crude or too-simple equipment can lead to injuries and accidents. Cheap handcuffs, for example, should never be used as they can seriously harm wrists and ankles. Scarves also should never be used as they can knot up and cut off circulation and then be hard to get off. Rope is okay but never tied too tightly. The bottom line, however, is always play safe and cautiously and never take unnecessary risks especially around something that is supposed to be sexy and playful and fun. So if you want to play with bondage read a few books and take a lot of classes and play safe so you can play for a long, long time.


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