Horny But Not Slutty

As much as we try and pose that the double standard doesn’t exist, we certainly know it does. Yes it is unfortunate and yes in this day and age one would think men and women could at least be equal in their sexual desires or see an acceptance by the world at large that they share a need to execute their lusts. But a sexually voracious women or woman who is simply horny is seen, most times, as a slut. She is set-up to scorn her lovers as much as cuckold. She is the seductress who has felled whole empires, the classic femme fetale, the uber-bitch and the black widow.


All because a lady likes a little nookie from time to time and is not afraid to seek it out!

This is because, in this male dominated world, sexually adept, sexually interested, and sexual assure women are a threat. A man frets over the size of his cock as much as he might the depth of his knowledge of how to use it. A woman who wants sex, likes it, seeks it out is a woman who is putting a certain demand in a man to perform; or so many hetero guys fear. A put-up-or-shut-up challenge to most men who define their masculinity in direct relation to how much they can bring a woman off, their size and their skills, a horny woman is seen as an adversary, an opponent to male sexual prowess, when really most hetero ladies are not cougars out on the prowl looking to take men down as much as maybe have some fun!


The definitions of all these slang terms are nebulous at best. We see that the people in our society who use the pejorative labels-horny, slut, bitch, good girl, even that most onerous of descriptions, cunt-are mostly men! Who determines to what degree a girl can act flirty and still be considered a lady and to what degree when she acts naughty she is a slut; men again. At the very best we might have certain mores of society that have determined lady-like behavior for decades and a woman may or may not abide by those rules, at the very worst we have restrictions on women the minute they act-out or assume and assertive role in our male dominated societies.
And God forbid the lady in question has a healthy sexual appetite!

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