If you perceive yourself well and have a strong inner game, that will captivate your outer game and others will perceive you better. To get a girl, a one night stand, or a night that resembles something out of a free porn clip, it does not require life changing decisions, rather, small doses of minor risk taking with enthusiasm about life, all while rocking a sexy smile. Follow these tragedies and you’ll be just like Vinny Chase in a month’s time.
Get off your ass: This is totally crucial in getting a girl to notice you. I realize that getting you nice ass to the gym can be more than just a physical battle, but, you’ll immediately notice a positive change in your mindset. You will feel better, see yourself as sexier and start making healthier decisions.
Be more outgoing: It’s easy to spot the life of the party. He is usually surrounded by a crowd and displays high volumes of energy. While not everyone has to be the center of attention, you can use the same principles to make yourself more outgoing.
1. Get involved. If you start off involved in the discussion, you’re more likely to stay involved.
2. Wait for something relevant to seize the floor.
3. Stand straight and strong and protect your voice, use hand gestures and keep a smile on your face.
4. Physically involve your audience. LIterally move people around or use them as characters.
Feel fresh to be fresh: If you don’t feel fresh, you wont get a girl to believe you’re fresh. The best way is to keep your fashion game up to date. Once a week you should buy yourself something new, whether its small or bigger. This will help you stay mentally involved.
Keep it current: One of the most powerful weapons to getting a girls attention is the ability to adapt socially to any situation. If you want to be able to talk effortlessly, you need to know or have opinions about celebrities, viral moves, TV shows, etc, that you might otherwise not give a shit about.
Adapt a “nothing to lose” attitude: Strong game comes from a series of risk taking. If you ditch your fear of rejection, you win. Obviously this is easier said than done, but the more risks you take, the less you fear. This mindset will also allow you to analyze what works and what doesn’t.
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