The Most Controversial Shows In TV History

No, we’re not talking about porn today. Instead, a look at the most controversial, mainstream TV shows in history.

Sex and the City (1998-2004): It’s strange to think of Sex and the City as being controversial since just about everyone has seen the show, but it was! It was considered one of the first shows that gave a frank portrayal of sex and dating for single women in New York.


The Sopranos (1999-2007): This legitimately ground breaking show for HBO was the portrayal of a mob family and it depicted not just sex, but also deeper topics such as homophobia, addiction, crime and depression.

Beverly Hills 90210 (1990-2000): We now think of 90210 as superficial and self absorbed, but when it originally aired, it worried man parents with its portrayal of sex and drugs in the lives of teenagers.

NYPD Blue (1993-2005): NYPD Blue aired in 1993 and its first season shocked network audiences with the male and female nudity, crude language and its gritty and brutal look at police culture.

Ellen (1994-1998): There’s actually nothing really controversial with this show, but, the show struck an important cultural moment when its star came out of the closet on the show. ABC was prompted o place a parental advisory at the beginning of each episode.

South Park (1997-Present): This show has drawn so much controversy that even satirized the controversy itself in the South Park movie.

Queer as Folk (1999): This show followed the lives of three young gay men. The particular controversial scene was the depiction of a 15 year old having sex with an older man.

The Jerry Springer Show (1991-Present): This show epitomized the concept of trashy television and brought an overall lowering of standards that eventually bled into reality TV and other genres.


The Real World (1994-Present): The Real World is being blamed for starting the reality televisions genre.

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