Transform Your Pad Into A Love Nest

If you sex life leaves much to be desired and you’re now resorting to free porn, consider your surroundings. Chances are, your apartment is about as inviting and your grandomother’s – and that’s so not sexy. A home that sets the mood for romance and intimacy can often be one of the best way to get your sex life back in working order. Below, we highlight a few tips that will get your pad from looking like a frat house, to a full-fledged love nest.

Nov. 19 - Transform Your Pad Into A Love Nest

1. Focus On The Energy – Aim towards creating a ‘love corner’ in every major room in your house. In order to create an intimate environment, avoid placing any computers, exersize equipment or books in that spot. Those tend to encourage solitary actions and won’t get you in the mood for play. Instead, place two matching objects in full display (candles or matching art pieces), which will indicate that your designated corner is a place for love.

2. Work With Your Partner - When setting up your love nest, be sure to make it a reflection of not only you, but your partner as well. Focusing too much on your likes while ignoring your significant-other’s point of view won’t make them any more inclined to getting down and dirty. And remember, a clean and tidy environment is always more welcome that a messy room. The later is nothing short of a turn off.

3. Use Sex As Your Inspiration – When decorating for love-making purposes, it’s crucial to have sex on the mind. Think sexy, lusting thoughts and consider chaise lounge chairs, luscious fabrics (silk, cashmere etc.) and of course, leather. A nice, modern shag rug is also a great option for those who are bored of the bedroom.

4. Lighting Is Everything – One of the best ways to set the mood is through appropriate lighting. Place emphasis on inviting spots such as a couch or lounge chair and be sure to keep it dim. Bright lights don’t necessarily scream “do me now”. Instead, focus on candles, lamps and wall lighting. Orgasms will be sure to follow.


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