1. Thou Shall Not Sleep With An Ex’s Roommate: You want to keep your college experience as drama free as you can, not only should you not sleep with your ex’s roommates, you should also never sleep with your roommate’s ex.
2. Thou Shall Abstain From Mood Music: I’m sure that you’ve noticed when you watch movies, there is a soundtrack in the background that is specifically designed for every scene. Especially when an online sex scene comes on, there is always some steamy music going on in the background. As much as you’d like to replicate this in real life, I’m suggesting that you don’t because it can be really cheesy.
3.Thou Shall Consider Location: If you’re looking to pick up at a college frat party where everyone is wasted, then you have another thing coming to you. If you go home with someone, chances are they wont even remember your name the next morning, let alone want to start a relationship.
4. Control Thyself: If you actually found your special someone in college and you just can’t seem to keep your hands off each other, keep it in the privacy of your own dorm room. No one wants to see your PDA all over campus.
5. Thou Shall Use Protection: Every time you fuck someone, use protection. Always keep condoms on hand in a drawer or somewhere in the bathroom. Also, use the pill, the patch, or those vaginal rings that are always advertised on TV because the last thing you need is to be pregnant in college or to knock up some chick.
6. Thou Shall Keep Mum: There is no point in sharing your sexual history with anyone, especially a current partner. The only reason people name drop is to foster a sense of adequacy.
7. Thou Shall Not Steal: I’m pretty sure this one is self explanatory so basically don’t steal.
8. Know Thy Own Beer Goggles: Getting drunk and making decisions can lead to some pretty large regrets, that are also occasionally humorous. In college, drinking and sex go together so you’re going to have to accept it, however try not to make really bad decisions that could threaten your safety.
9. Thou Shall Not Fear Making The First Move: College is the time to take risks, so take a chance and don’t be afraid of failing. Otherwise you can stay home and watch porn.
10. Love Not Thy Neighbor: Don’t get me wrong, Im all about fostering friendly relationships with the people that you run into on a day to day basis. It’s nice to have someone to turn to when you’re having one of those days, just don’t turn it into something that it’s not.