Texas U. Allows “Smut for Smut” Program

According to Atheists Agenda, a campus club at the University of Texas at San Antonio, the Bible is full of “…things written by people in tents ages ago.” Or, to put it mildy; “Smut.”

Which is why they have started the program “Smut for Smut.” Seems you can wander on over to their on-campus meeting place, and exchange your copy of the Bible for free porn. It doesn’t clearly define what kind of porn unfortunately. I don’t know if it’s nudie magazines or porno DVD’s but one things for certain…people is pissed!

Chalk this one up as another win for Free Speech!

Now, we don’t have to get all political about this. One thing my boss said to me was “stay away from hotbed topics like religion and politcs.” Wait. Actually that was his word of advice after telling me about Margarita Thursdays. Nevermind.

Say what you will about theology and pornography. Both sides can really giggle to themselves and shut the fuck up, as far as I’m concerned because this is just one of those things that everyone will forget about in the morning. If you don’t like it, keep your Bible and don’t walk anywhere near that meeting room. If you do like it then go get your wank magazine and pound yourself stupid while trying to convince yourself the burn is on God.

I’m totally down for Free Speech…I usually fear those who take advantage of it.

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