Girlfriends Films, known for their infamous lesbian sex videos, introduces “Pin-Up Girls,” a series that revolves around the 1950′s pornography trade through “girly magazines.”
RayVeness plays a entrepreneurial fashion model who recruits fellow models into the scheme of taking and selling sexy photographs for money, all set in the period-perfect 1950′s. In fact, it’s so period perfect that great lengths were taken on the props and detail of the set, in an effort to add realism to the tale. Victoria White and Ashlyn Rae also star.
I love this. This is so hand fashioned for me it’s not even funny. I’m a sucker for 1950′s pin up girls and also have a soft spot in my heart for old-time porn. Looking at some of our vintage content reminds of a simpler time. When boobs were real and every dick wasn’t pumped full of viagra (not that there’s anything wrong with my fake boobs OR my eternally hard dick).
If you can get past the forest of pubes (on BOTH sexes) those old clips just resonate with an innocence and, dare I say, a feeling of enjoyment from the performers involved.
So THAT being said I am going to keep my eye on Girlfriend Films owner and director Dan O’Connell. He may be focusing on only producing lesbian titles, but if he can bring back a little of that old time feel, coupled with the unmistakable look of the 50′s, this could really be something special.
Tags: Ashlyn Rae, Lesbian, RayVeness, Victoria White